Drizzle 7.1 was released!
The laundry list for features and improvements are pretty long, so I will leave that to the main blog announcement.
The part that I find the most interesting? 7.1 was the effort of a lot of developers and people who do the heavy lifting of promoting the project (and the efforts around a project like this are huge). It takes the resources of a half a dozen companies directly, and a number of companies indirectly.
Compared to 7.0, Drizzle was done by volunteers, not paid Drizzle employees, who find the project fun and interesting. These are people who want to be involved with the Open Source Community, and who find value in the work (and looking at our incoming Google Summer of Code applicants there are more people to come).
The biggest surprise that some might fine? Much of the 7.1 effort was done by new developers. These are people who never worked at MySQL, Sun, or Oracle.
Contributions by new individuals make up the bulk of the 7.1 effort, and I am very happy to see that. It it is evidence of the ongoing growth of the Drizzle community.