I wake up and discover the internet connection is down to the house.
I log into my router and run the diagnostics software that is built into it. Everything is good (BTW this is an actual router which bridges the DSL signal to ethernet (built by Cisco)).
So I call tech support. The fellow immediately blames the device and tells me that they will send out a new one on Tuesday. It will have built in WiFI, and since "I don't pay for a static IP address" it will be "easy to configure".
Ugh,... I have a routable subnet, and no I don't want your cheep assed device that won't do what my current device does.
We go around and around for a bit, and finally he gets me his manager.
His manager stumbles through the conversation for a bit, and repeats the "we can be out by Tuesday, and our new device is better...".
I escalate, and he pushes back.
So? I escalate again, and point out that I am happy to call the city and bitch about their service (I also drop words like "911 service", etc...).
I get transferred to Idaho.
This nice woman bounces the line for me, and....
Everything works.
In the future, I am going ask to be transferred to the US first.