Friday, February 25, 2011
Since 2009, Mr. Heicklen has stood there and at courthouse entrances elsewhere and handed out pamphlets encouraging jurors to ignore the law if they disagree with it, and to render verdicts based on conscience. <— jury nullification advocate.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
In Honduras, for example, executives at the American-affiliated chamber expressed support for the June 2009 coup d’état that forced out President José Manuel Zelaya, the State Department cables say. After leaders in the group applied pressure on the Obama administration, American officials retreated from their initial demands that Mr. Zelaya be allowed to return to power. So why is this interesting? Obama came out against the action in Honduras publicly even if it was not clear, whether or not the courts in Honduras had the power to make the decision to remove the sitting president.
Gearman 0.16 Released
- Fixed cases where silent failure of server for queues would not cause tests to fail.
- Fix for failure when setsockopt() failed on new connection.
- Fixed silen exit in client library based on signals.
- Error log now reports failure location in compiled code for ERROR conditions.
- Fix for failover.
- Fixed issue in client where it would silently die based on signal issues.
- “verbose” has been added to the string protocol. It allows you to see what the verbose setting is.
You can find the latest version on Launchpad.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Upgrading, Hudson to Jenkins
Yesterday we finished upgrading Drizzle’s hudson servers to Jenkins. We are a long time Hudson user, and we love it. It has been one of the most top notch pieces of open source software I have seen delivered in the last few years.
The authors, especially Kohsuke Kawaguchi, have done an amazing job.
So why move from Hudson to Jenkins? Because the authors have moved. The people we have trusted, and respect have been required to change the name from Hudson to Jenkins. We will bet our money and time on the folks who have earned it. These are he people who have been delivering time and time again.
In the last couple of years I have sold a dozen or more companies on Hudson (and a fair number of open source projects).
Over the years I have used a dozen or so continuous integration systems. Some were home grown, and some were purchased. In the software business, there are two things that differentiate the professionals from the rest. How you make use of revision control, and how you test your software. I have often wished that we would have had a piece of software like this for MySQL, and I love that we have had it for Drizzle.
Jenkins is just as important as git, bzr, and subversion. I am really happy to see the direction the authors are taking it in.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Drizzle, Speaking Engagements, Out and about...
Want to come hear me talk about Drizzle? The conference season is just beginning to heat up and there are several opportunities to meet up with myself and others about the latest and greatest in Drizzle.
MySQL Meetup in Seattle, March 1st,
Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco, March28th
O’Reilly MySQL Conference and Expo, April 11th-14th
Drizzle Developer Day! April 15th,